How to Properly Clean Your Windows With a Power Washer

Clean windows are an important part of any home or business. They let in light and provide a clear view, and they also show that the owner or operator cares about the appearance of the property. While there are many Bethesda window cleaners available that promise to give glass a streak-free shine, there are simple and inexpensive household products that work equally well when applied correctly.

Before you begin cleaning, sweep away loose dirt and dust with a broom or brush and vacuum the window frame, tracks and sills. It’s also a good idea to remove the window screens and wash them separately, following any care instructions that may be printed on the screen material.

If you are using a power washer, be sure to read and understand the operating instructions, as too much pressure can crack or shatter glass. Start with a low pressure setting, working from the bottom of the window up to avoid soapy water and cleaner dripping or running down the sides of the window. Keep the sprayer nozzle at a safe distance from the window, and don’t hit it directly–this can break or chip paint, and might push water under window putty, causing rot or mold.

Rinse the outside of each window, starting with the shady side and moving to the sunny side. Make sure to rinse the edges of the windows, as well, and to use a different nozzle or angle on your sprayer for each window to avoid over-spraying or damaging the frame. If you are washing second-story windows, be especially careful not to overspray or use too high a pressure. It’s a good idea to take the time to wash and rinse each window thoroughly, and to do so on a cool or cloudy day to prevent the soap and cleaner from drying on the windows before you can wipe them down.

Once the windows are dry, you can apply a few coats of car wax or furniture polish to protect them from future damage and to enhance their shine. For windows that get frequent use, you might want to apply a waterproofing sealer to help prevent fogging and staining.

A common method for washing glass is to dip a sponge or cloth into a solution of water and vinegar, or a commercial window cleaner such as Windex or Zep. Then, using small circular motions, swipe the solution over the glass. After swiping the window, rinse the cleaner off with a hose or bucket of clean, cool water and a few drops of liquid dish soap. Finally, dry the windows with a microfiber cloth or paper towel.

While some people prefer to clean their windows by hand, there are some advantages to a power wash: For one, it can save a lot of time and energy and it makes it easier to reach second-story windows without ladders or scaffolding. It’s also a very effective way to wash off mildew, rust and acidic salt left behind from winter road salting–which is often the most difficult type of grime to remove from windows. Although it is possible to use a power washer yourself, it is best to hire Bethesda power washing services for larger jobs and more dangerous tasks.