Exploring the Role of Chiropractic Prenatal Massage in Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a beautiful time in life but it can also be hard on the mother-to-be. Many expectant mothers experience pain in the lower back, hips and legs due to the extra pressure that is being put on their bodies. Prenatal massage can help relieve discomfort, pain and swelling. This massage technique focuses on massaging the soft tissue of the body to reduce fluid retention and ease the muscles of the pregnant woman.

Prenatal massage is a safe and effective form of bodywork that has been shown to have many health benefits for women who are expecting. It can be helpful in alleviating discomfort from various pregnancy symptoms such as lower back pain, swollen ankles and feet (edema), hip and pelvic pain, sciatic nerve pain, and leg cramps. In addition, regular prenatal massage can increase the levels of hormones that promote relaxation and decrease stress in the mother-to-be.

In a recent study, expectant mothers who received prenatal massage were found to have a greater sense of well-being than those that did not receive a prenatal massage. This is because those who received massage experienced a decrease in depression and anxiety, as well as higher levels of oxytocin and dopamine. It is important for a pregnant woman to feel positive about her body and her health during this time in her life.

Studies have shown that receiving prenatal massage increases the level of oxytocin in the body, which helps to ease labor pain. In fact, one study showed that the number of c-sections decreased in expectant mothers who received regular prenatal massages. Additionally, the amount of time spent in labor reduced as well.

In addition to easing pregnancy-related discomforts, chiropractic can be helpful in turning a breeched fetus. This is known as the Webster Technique. The goal of this technique is to balance the pelvis and align the spine to allow for a natural birth without the use of force. It has been shown to have success in reducing the incidence of breeched babies and has even helped some breech babies turn to a head down position.

The goal is to reduce the number of c-sections and to promote healthy labor outcomes. In the United States, the rate of c-sections is far too high, especially in minority populations, and it is important to work to change this. Ending preventable maternal death must remain the top priority in order to promote maternal health care, but it is equally important to address the disparities in access to respectful and high-quality maternity care. Prenatal massage is a wonderful tool in the quest for better maternal health care. It is time to give it the attention it deserves. To learn more about how our specialized prenatal massage can benefit you and your growing baby, visit https://www.atlantachiropractor.net/.